Assembly of the Republic of Kosova

The Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade

Within its scope of work and responsibilities, Committee considers all the matters related to the field of energy, mines, postal sector, telecommunications, information and communications technology, digital economy, public enterprises, trade, industry, tourism, consumer protection, metrology, accreditation, standardization, oil, strategic goods, industrial ownership, economic zones, private sector, innovation, entrepreneurship, foreign investments and strategic investments.

Calendar of activities of the Committee

Tuesday, 11:00 19 November 2024
Meeting Room N10

Committee meeting

Tuesday, 13:00 05 November 2024
Meeting Room N506

Public hearing


Committee composition




038 200 10 646

044 768 600

[email protected]



Senior Field Officer

038 200 10 654

044 208 234

[email protected]



Field Officer

038 200 10 661

044 510 066

[email protected]

Committee documents

Wednesday 02 June 2021

Plani i punës për vitin 2021

Thursday 05 August 2021

PUNIM HULUMTUES PARLAMENTAR - Rregullimi ligjor i kriptovalutës


Scope of work of this Committee includes: 

  • Reviewing draft laws within its scope of work;
  • Conceptualization of the general strategy regarding the development of economic activities between Kosovo and other countries, by making recommendations for the Assembly and corresponding ministry, etc.;
  • Creating legal infrastructure and a safe environment for investments, commercial agreements and concessions in energy and mineral resources in order to develop these economic branches;
  • Commitment to determine and follow up the implementation of general policies in the field of economy, trade, industry, energy, information technology and other fields within its responsibilities;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement - SAA, according to the responsibilities of the ministries and other departments supervised by the committee;
  • Considers the draft budget and reviews the budget of the line ministry and independent agencies and recommends to the Committee on Budget to have it reviewed and adopted in the Assembly, including amendments;
  • Overseeing the implementation of laws within its scope of work;
  • Monitoring the work of independent agencies and regulators established by the Assembly as well as considering candidates for boards;
  • Reviewing the performance of public enterprises; 
  • Reviewing other issues set forth in this Rules of Procedure and reviewing issues which have been delegated to the Committee with special decision of the Assembly;


In exercising its function, the Committee cooperates with the relevant line ministry and all other ministries, from which it can request concrete data, including direct reports from ministers or other responsible persons, when requested by the committee.