Assembly of the Republic of Kosova

Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfer

The Committee within its scope of work and responsibilities, reviews all matters that are related to budget, finance, labor and transfer.

Calendar of activities of the Committee

Thursday, 09:30 21 November 2024
Meeting Room C203

Committee meeting

Friday, 15:00 15 November 2024
Meeting Room N506

Committee meeting


Committee composition



Deputy coordinator

038 200 10 645

044 637 384

[email protected]



Senior Field Officer

038 200 10 656

045 279 627

[email protected]



Field Officer

038 200 10 657

044 398 939

[email protected]



Administrative Officer

038 200 10 663

044 372 915

[email protected]

Committee documents

(No documents)



Scope of work of the committee includes:

  • Reviewing the annual draft law on budget appropriations and its consideration;
  • Reviewing draft laws within the field of public finances and finances in general;
  • Reviewing draft laws on ratification of international agreements for taking over financial liabilities from the Republic of Kosovo and makes recommendations for the Assembly; 
  • Reviewing proposed draft laws and amendments, in terms of their budgetary impact, within the responsibilities as a standing committee and provides recommendations at the relevant functional committee and the Assembly;
  • The right to propose and draft draft-laws;
  • Reviewing the annual financial report of the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo;
  • Reviewing annual reports of independent institutions/bodies, that report to the Assembly and that falls within the scope of the committee;
  • Oversight of implementation of public policies and legislation in the field of managing public finances, accounting standards and financial reporting, public debt, public procurement, macroeconomic and fiscal policies, as well as state aid;
  • Oversight of budgetary policies in execution of salaries, social and pensionale schemes, in accordance with the law in force;
  • Oversight of law implementation, within its scope;
  • Organizing public hearings, in accordance with Article 66 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly;
  • Reporting, on the initiative of the committee or upon the request of the |Assembly, at plenary meetings for matters under its scope;
  • Reviewing other issues, determined by this Rules of Procedure and issues which by a special decision of the Assembly or conclusion of the Presidency of the Assembly are transferred to this Committee;
  • Matters related to the implementation of employment policies / strategies, job creation and vocational training.
  • Commitment to social welfare including social security and protection of war invalids, families of martyrs, working invalids, political prisoners, all categories of the disabled, as well as all other categories from the social schemes.
  • Oversight of the implementation of legislation in the field of labor, social welfare and state aid.
  • Matters related to the implementation of policies / strategies in the field of social and family policies
  • Monitoring the progress of employment and proposes adequate active measures to increase employment and reduce unemployment;
  • Matters related to state-funded pension and social schemes.


In exercising its function, in accordance with scope and legislation in force, the Committee cooperates with the relevant line ministry for Finance and other budget organizations and institutions, from which it can request concrete data, including direct reports at the meetings, when requested by the committee.