Assembly of the Republic of Kosova

Consultative meeting of the President of the Parliament Daci with parliamentary political parties


The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Prof. Nexhat Daci, had today a consultative meeting with leaders of the parliamentary political parties, in which were presented aspects on managing of the following plenary meeting of the Assembly of Kosovo. The main topic was the proceeding and approval of the Declaration of the President of Kosovo, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova regarding the preparation for eventual negotiations for the status of Kosovo. The ones who did not participate in this meeting were the representative of LDK and PDK.

The President of the Assembly Daci, emphasizing that the independence of Kosovo is unquestionable, informed the participant for possible procedures and requested that tomorrow in the plenary session to show high responsibility and complete unity of all policy subjects. The representative of the political party ORA expressed the opinion that this subject will give complete support to this initiative and supports the role of the Assembly of Kosovo as well.

Presidents of some parties, present in the meeting, did some remarks and suggestions regarding the representation of other ethnical groups and other political parties in the Group for the Status of Kosovo, and also gave different ideas regarding the further proceedings, especially concerning decision taking and ratification in the Assembly.

The President of the Assembly in conclusion of this meeting said that this was a consultative meeting and a practice that helps the Assembly to be more transparent and effective. Now, Kosovo for the first time is represented institutionally. For important issues there is no position and opposition, but we are all together. On this occasion, he expressed the hope that tomorrow all the deputies will behave conformity to their mandate and responsibilities that they have for Kosovo. He went on emphasizing that in the process regarding the status no one will be left aside, so it will have relevant national and party representation in working, technical groups and in the experts™ team as well, and as it™s known that the ratification, as in any other country, will be processed in the Assembly of Kosovo.